This was one of those perfect summer days. I woke up early and walked the dogs while drinking a cup of my favorite earl grey tea. The sky was light, the morning air scented with wild thyme and mint.

A summer storm from the other day brought us into the woods, looking for mushrooms while the dogs were running around under ancient trees, stepping on soft moss and paddling in a wood-streamlet. Later we picked grapes from our garden and I made apple sauce with apples from a young apple tree that gave us it's fruits for the first time. I brought the leftovers to our neighbours' donkey Froufrou who was so happy to see me with a bucket full of treats.

In the studio I dyed local rustic wool with cochineal and madder, trying to capture these warm summer days with the rich colours of the flowers in our garden and the orange and pink coloured sunsets above the mountains.

It was such a lovely day. I hope you enjoy these last summer days too! As always, thank you for being here.

x Claire
